Tuesday 3 March 2020

Administrative Analyst at UNDP

UNDP Somalia current Country Programme Document runs from 2018–2020 and is aligned to the UN Strategic Framework (2017-2020) and to the National Development Plan (NDP8). In rolling out the new Country Programme, the Country Office has re-aligned the structure of its programme team to better support key pillars of the NDP, including through a new portfolio structure addressing: (1) Inclusive Politics; (2) Rule of Law; (3) Effective Institutions; (4) Economic Recovery and Development; (5) Resilience and Climate Change; with Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment mainstreamed into the portfolios. This realignment is intended to support the Somalia Government at Federal and State levels to progress its peace-building and state-building trajectory, in such a way as to propel progress towards the SDGs.

To provide technical and advisory support to the aforementioned Portfolios in the formulation, implementation, monitoring and reporting of their programmes and projects, a Programme Oversight and Quality Assurance (POQA) Unit has been established in the Country Office, which is led by a Programme Specialist (Head of Unit) who reports directly to the Deputy Resident Representative – Programme. The POQA unit focuses on three main and inter-related areas of work: (1) providing internal oversight and quality assurance function for effective delivery of country programme and projects, (2) assuring that UNDP staff are well trained in all relevant UNDP programme and project policies and procedures, and applying them in a coherent and consistent manner, and (3) supporting the national partners in developing and strengthening the capacity for the management of the cooperation with UNDP (and other UN partners), seeking increasing alignment with the National Systems.

The support and oversight functions of POQA are delivered from the CO, the Area Offices in Puntland and Somaliland and the Nairobi support office to ensure direct engagement with all relevant partners involved in programme implementation, donor relations and partnerships, contract management, programme and project audits, evaluations, verification missions, monitoring and reporting.

The Administrative Analyst works under the direct guidance and supervision of the Head of POQA Unit, providing support in areas of oversight, compliance, partnerships and risk management from the Nairobi support office. The support to Partnerships, Donor Relations and Legal requirements involve coordination of verification missions and audit by donors, updates on donor mapping, donor agreement management and donor reporting. This requires direct contact and engagement with the firms and liaison officers from donor partners who are all based in Nairobi.

The support to Compliance, Oversight and Risk Management includes undertaking of audit, Third party monitoring, work with Risk Management Unit on NGO roster management and updates. All the service providers for these processes are working with UNDP through Long Term Agreements (LTA) and they are either based in Nairobi; or can make a physical visit to Nairobi for proper engagement with the CO. To be able to interact and deliver the services required of the POQA unit, there needs to be a full time representation of the unit through this post that is based in Nairobi.

Duties and Responsibilities
Partnerships, donor relations and legal requirements management
  • Coordination with donors and liaison officers based in Nairobi for partnerships, concept note submissions, agreement signing, fund release, agreement amendments and reporting;
  • Update information on donor mapping, priorities and programme areas supported in coordination with the donor liaison officers;
  • Ensure correctness of Financing Agreement template and advise the donor side on feedback from UNDP side on the legal requirements, in coordination with project teams;
  • Review and ensure correct application of cost recovery rates in line with corporate policy;
  • Clearance of non-standard agreement clauses/templates with Legal Support Office and advise the donor side whenever exceptions are required, in liaison with officers and in coordination with project teams;
  • Support timely donor reporting in coordination with donors’ liaison officers in Nairobi and subsequently the final submission to the donors’ headquarters to enable future release of funds or closure of the contracts;
  • Coordination levy application and roll out in line with CO and regional SOP and in consultation with BMS for applicability of the levy or otherwise;
  • In coordination with the Head of POQA, keep track and submit quarterly report on the amount of levy collected; advise finance on the amount to be transferred to the UN Secretariat as per levy agreement;
  • Track milestones and address delays in disbursement/release of fund tranches from donor agreements;
  • Coordinate fund transfer requests with RCO for MPTF funds.

Compliance, oversight and risk management

  • Support the coordination of the audit team, from inception of audit, entry meeting with the auditors and setting up of processes in Nairobi, before fieldwork commences;
  • Prepare for the audit including audit files for auditors’ physical review and prepare replies to internal and external audit observations;
  • Coordinate verification exercises/audit by donors – preparation of files and supporting documents and uploading them for donors’ verification team review;
  • Support the country office DIM audit with coordination of programme and project teams and compiling required audit documentations from project;
  • Prepare HACT financial audit plan in coordination with head of POQA unit, including preparatory inception meetings, schedule set up and planning with the auditors in Nairobi prior to field work commencement;
  • In coordination with the Inter-agency HACT/RMU engagement, update the country office’s NGO Roster and advise programme team on its utility as and when needed;
  • Support and monitor implementation of audit recommendations – updates for programme into the CARDS system;
  • Review and upload signed CDRs in the intranet upon completion of quarterly certification.

Support to programme evaluations and reporting

  • Support updating of programme information in the IATI/Transparency dashboard


  • Ability to make new and useful ideas work: Adept with complex concepts and challenges convention purposefully


  • Ability to persuade others to follow: Generates commitment, excitement and excellence in others

People Management

  • Ability to improve performance and satisfaction: Models independent thinking and action


  • Ability to listen, adapt, persuade and transform: Synthesizes information to communicate independent analysis


  • Ability to get things done while exercising good judgement: Meets goals and quality criteria for delivery of products or services


Results-based Management

  • Ability to manage programmes and projects with a strategy aimed at improved performance and demonstrable results

Knowledge Management

  • Ability to capture, develop, share and effectively use information and knowledge

Risk Management

  • Ability to identify and prioritize risks, and organize action around mitigating them


  • Ability to engage with other agencies, donors, and other development stakeholders and forge productive working relationships

Quality Assurance

  • Ability to perform administrative and procedural activities to insure that quality requirements and goals are fulfilled
Required Skills and Experience
  • Bachelor or Master’s degree in business administration, development studies, public policy, politics, economics, development studies or a related area.


  • 2 years (for Bachelor degree holders) of relevant experience in programme/ project management in a national and/or international setting. Master’s degree holders can have zero years of experience
  • Experience in usage of computers and web-based systems for project management, funds and financial management systems;
  • Knowledge of enterprise resource planning systems such as Atlas is desirable.

Language Requirements:

  • Proficiency in English.
  • Working knowledge of other UN language desirable
Important applicant information

All posts in the GS categories are subject to local recruitment.

Applicant information about UNDP rosters

Note: UNDP reserves the right to select one or more candidates from this vacancy announcement. We may also retain applications and consider candidates applying to this post for other similar positions with UNDP at the same grade level and with similar job description, experience and educational requirements.

The post Administrative Analyst at UNDP appeared first on Jobs in Kenya - http://jobwebkenya.com/.

The post Administrative Analyst at UNDP is republished from Jobs – Jobs in Kenya – http://jobwebkenya.com/