Monday, 1 January 2018

AMREF Job Vacancy : Flying Doctors

AMREF Flying Doctors provides Air Ambulance services locally, regionally and internationally.
With up to 1000 evacuations per year and international accreditation by EURAMI, AMREF Flying Doctors has become the leading Air Ambulance provider in the region, operating at the highest professional level.
The income generated supports Amref Health Africa’s work, in particularly the Outreach Programme and Charity Evacuations.
 For more information, visit the website
AMREF Flying Doctors is a not for profit company, wholly owned by Amref Health Africa, the largest international health organization based in Africa.
Working with and through African communities, health systems and governments, Amref Health Africa is committed to improving the health of people in Africa by partnering with and empowering communities, and strengthening health systems.
For more information, visit the website
AMREF Flying Doctors is seeking to recruit Assistant Operations Officer (2 positions).
Ref: AFD/OPS/20-12/2017
The job holder to have a minimum 4 consecutive years of work experience in a flight operations department and with good knowledge of the aviation industry.
The incumbent to be an excellent communicator with a good command of English language and the flexibility to work in a 24-hour environment

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