Friday, 29 June 2018

Lake Region Development Programme Job Vacancy : Lake Region Project Manager NGO

Lake Region Development Programme a Child—focused development organization, intends to implement a 3 year “Strengthening the House of  Nanny 3 – Youth in Entrepreneurial and Livelihood Development Project in Rachuonyo North (Homa bay County) and Rongo (Migori County) through funding from ChildFund Deutschland.

Job Description

Reporting to the Programme Coordinator and responsible to the Project Steering Committee for Strategic and technical aspects of the project and will be in charge of the day to day management of the project.

Key Responsibilities for the Project Manager Job

  • Developing and coordinating implementation of specific work plans, budget and schedules as per the donor requirement.
  • Lead role in strengthening the capacities of the project team and mobilization of the targeted “in-school and out of school” Youth, senior community members and Government officers to participate in the project activities.
  • Provide leadership, mentorship and guidance to project staff to ensure that they are able to deliver specific mandate to ensure that the project goals are achieved

Project Manager Job Qualifications

  • A minimum of Degree ¡n Social Science or related field with minimum 3 years’ experience in development work either with Government or Non-Government Organization.
  • Ability to coordinate and implement a complex project with multiple beneficiaries and stakeholders
  • Excellent analytical, communication and reporting writing skills
  • Familiarity with or having worked within the government youth empowerment programmes will be distinct advantage.

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