Monday, 23 September 2019

E-Payment Specialist at Kenya Airways

Define and execute payment strategy for KQ online platforms; Responsible for reporting and detecting payment anomalies, successes rates and trends and clearly communicate on status of actions and issues to improve current success/conversion rates. Provide KQ with accurate and reliable monitoring task in online payments which increases customer satisfaction, improve conversion rates and decline costs resulting from lost sales.

The Successful Candidate Will Be Expected To

  • Measure on regular intervals the success rates of the various payment options split over the various countries (POS).
  • Compare the success rates of the same payment options over the various payment providers and front-end tools (EBT, MMB, ICI).
  • Measure both pro-active as well reactive other payment related transaction results (materialization, inquiries) and report on these to the Business Stakeholders.
  • Encourage the use of AMOP to reduce on online payment cost for acceptance and other related costs.
  • Perform daily payment monitoring by using the various systems optimally.
  • Be the key player/user and linking pin for the Amadeus Payment Manager (APM).
  • Play a pro-active role in monitoring at times where errors can be expected like releases and Maintenance and System Upgrades at the side of Payment Providers.
  • Pro-actively and adequately report on payment incidents to the relevant parties.
  • Assist and advice how the Payment Monitoring can be improved.
  • Represent E-payments in the debriefing of Payment Incidents Meetings with external parties.
  • Monitor on regular intervals the e-Payment admin tool in order to check correct settings, report on findings.
  • Manage ABR-sheets (Amadeus Business Rules) and Office ID’s.
  • Initiate authorization reversals at instigation of sales organization in case of double authorization with acquiring bank.
  • Perform an active role in the testing of payment options after new release /deployments of the various user interfaces.
  • Become the central function for the various departments in respect to testing credit cards for test activities in order to avoid payments devices (card & readers) being scattered over the organization and to minimize fraud resulting from multiple users.
  • Keep test logs and have access to test logs of other departments.
  • Perform testing once a new FOP has gone live on the various user interfaces. Testing to be performed over the various systems.
  • Make sure the back-office process (creating internal refund, voiding tickets and reconciliation) are handled properly.
  • Safeguard the integrity of the live payment options by making sure it is known who have performed which actions with the payment devices.
  • Gather knowledge to keep abreast of new developments in e- payments.
  • Manage all costs related to payments and in liaison with e-sales team Identify efficient alternative payment methods which have list cost and implement in different markets.
  • Manage and maintain PCI DSS compliance with the different suppliers.
  • Develop and execute MOTO payment plan in line with PCI DSS requirements.
  • Define and Maintain multi payment experience across the online platforms.


  • Bachelor’s degree in business related field.
  • Proficiency in MS office, Internet.
  • Fluent in written and spoken English.
  • Proficiency in the usage of airline passenger systems.
  • IT proficiency, Finance.
  • 3+ years’ experience in E-payments.

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